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A Call to Fathers (4 Mp3's, 130.26 megs)
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A Call to Fathers (4 Mp3's, 130.26 megs)
Product Details
At a conference in Canada, Robert Sungenis addressed hundreds of fathers in a passionate and informative two-day lecture series. If you are looking for special insights in how to raise your son or daughter in today's topsy-turvy world, this tape set is for you.
- The first talk is titled "Like Father, like father," showing that in order to be a good father we first need to know God the Father first.
- The second talk is titled: "Like father, like son," showing that our example is our best teacher, as our sons and daughters learn by imitating us.
- The third talk is titled: "The father of lies," showing the tremendous temptations our children have today and what fathers can do to alleviate them.
- The fourth talk is titled: "From father to father,"showing that how you raise your children is how your children raise their children. A truly enlightening series.
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