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A Primer on the Apocalypse of St. John - An Outline for Easy Understanding (1 Mp3, 60 Mins)
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A Primer on the Apocalypse of St. John - An Outline for Easy Understanding (1 Mp3, 60 Mins)
Product Details
An introduction by means of outline to the last book of the Bible. Robert shows you the seven dramas of the Apocalypse and where to place them in the history of Christianity. Indispensable to understanding this puzzling book.
- Ever wonder why the Apostle John, who wrote so clearly in his Gospel and Epistles, wrote in such cryptic language in the Book of Revelation?
- Ever wonder what all those symbols mean?
- Ever wonder if Revelation speaks of past events, current events, or future events?
- Ever wonder what Revelation says about the Catholic Church and the world of today? Cease to wonder. Robert Sungenis has put his 27 years of biblical expertise to work in his new and fascinating discussion. All your questions will be answered.
(1 Hour, 55 Megs total)
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