Apologetics Q & A (1 Mp3, 80 Mins, 43.5 Megs)
Which Bible version? Erroneous footnotes in the NAB? How does the Magisterium fit in? Biblical scholars? Does the Catechism help? Screams from Hell? Does the Holy Spirit help me read the Bible? The corrective aspects of the Magisterium? Are there ambiguous phrases in Vatican II? What is the Magisterium? What was the movie "The Cardinal" about? Was the Blessed Mother perpetually a Virgin? How available was the Gospel? How early were the Apostles sent? What about door to door evangelism? What about the preaching of St. Paul? Should the altar face East? Is there precedence for the altar facing the people? Will there be a new translation of the English Liturgy? Evolution? How much control does the Vatican have over the Mass? Do the bishops think they are doing things for the good of the people? Are these Catholic Hymns? What is driving Catholics away? What are they teaching in these new Religious Education textbooks? More evolution? How was the original population of the Earth formed? Why is Mass attendance so low? What should the Church do about our youth not going to Church? What is the relationship between the bishops and the Vatican? Altar girls? The precious vessels? Priestly vestments? What happened to the Imprimatur and the Nihil Obstat?