Ask Bob a Theological Question
Due to the high volume of apologetics questions in recent months, and the amount of work Dr. Sungenis must do to complete his books, he will no longer be able to offer the Q and A service for free, as he once did.
If you have an apologetics question you would like to ask Dr. Sungenis, please write the question in the "comments box" provided in the Paypal transaction process.
Note from Robert:
I wish I could offer the QA without charge but unfortunately, my time is very limited these days. In the past, when the QA was free, I was inundated with hundreds of questions each month that I simply did not have time to answer, and more people became frustrated than were helped. The donation you give for your question will not only guarantee that I answer it, but I'm sure it will minimize the number of questions I receive, as well as help the financial needs of CAI. When you ask your question, please be as brief as possible so that I can quickly surmise the exact issue of concern to you.
Thank you and God be with you.
~Robert Sungenis