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DEBATE: Papal Infallibility - versus James White, Reformed - (2 Mp3's, 147 Minutes, 67.1 Megs total)
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DEBATE: Papal Infallibility - versus James White, Reformed - (2 Mp3's, 147 Minutes, 67.1 Megs total)
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This debate took place in Clearwater, Florida, on October 13, 2000 at the largest Baptist Church in the city. It was attended by close to 500 people. The debate centered on only three things: (1) the Biblical basis for Papal Infallibility; (2) the controversy surrounding Pope Honorius (638-640 AD); (3) the controversy surrounding Pope Zozimus (417-418 AD). This debate presents one of the best defenses of papal infallibility ever mounted by Catholic apologetics.
Sungenis and White debate the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope, the bishop of Rome. Robert argues within the narrow definitions outlined in Pastor Aeternus, the Vatican I document which defined papal infallibility.
(147 Minutes, 67.1 Megs total)
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