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Keys Over the Christian World, 2nd ed. (Hardcover & PDF)

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Keys Over the Christian World, 2nd ed. (Hardcover & PDF)
Product Details

Twenty years in the making, Butler, and Collorafi finally come out with their one-of-a-kind book on the papacy, from its beginnings under St. Peter to the year 800 AD. But this is not just another book on the history of the papacy. This is the only book ever produced on the papacy that draws its information from the original documents that are painstakingly translated into English by the authors, many of which have never appeared in English in any form. Sources include those from the original Latin, Greek, Chaldean, Syriac, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian and others. With these sources, the authors weave together a tapestry of the papacy that shows, without the shadow of a doubt, that the Church recognized the papacy from its humble beginnings in 33 AD throughout the first millennium to be the God-ordained supreme authority over the whole Church, from east to west. This book, in its original drafts, has already convinced many dissidents to join the Catholic Church since the evidence in the book is so overwhelming.

Title: Keys Over the Christian World
Authors: Scott Butler and John Collorafi
Editor: Robert Sungenis
Publisher: CAI Publishing, Inc
Pages: 640
Frame: 6 x 9
Hardback: #80 paper, retail: $39.95
Paperback: #60 paper, retail: $29.95

PDF: $15.95

John Collorafi and Scott Butler have written an extraordinary work containing a massive and overwhelming presentation of the historical evidence for the truth of Catholic doctrine concerning the primacy of Peter among the apostles and the consequent exercise of universal jurisdiction by the Roman Pontiffs over the Church of both East and West during the First Millennium. Testimonies from the Fathers of the Church, Saints, Popes, the first seven Ecumenical Councils, ancient liturgies, and rare ancient and medieval documents (Latin, Byzantine, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, Coptic) have been painstakingly collected... Some of these valuable testimonies appear in English for the first time in a volume that is unexcelled for its thoroughness. The laborious efforts of the authors have resulted in a resource volume concerning the Papacy that will prove indispensable to Catholic theologians, catechists, and apologists, as well as the ordinary faithful who seek a powerful explanation of the meaning of those awesome Keys handed over to the Prince of the Apostles by the Lord of the Church.
-- James Likoudis

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