Supersessionism is Irrevocable (Hardcover)
Facing the Ambiguities, Compromises, and Heresies in Recent Catholic Documents Concerning the “Old Covenant”
by Robert Sungenis
436 pages
Paperback: $27.00, #60 paper, black and white images
Hardback: $58.00, #80 paper, color images
PDF: $15.00
"Let me begin by offering you my highest of praise and thanksgiving for your successful analysis and explanation of the Church’s ‘bi-millenial’ teaching of Supersessionism. If there’s one thought that I can share right off the top is that you have dissected the USCCB, the PBC, Cardinal Koch et al, and others, as a surgeon performing a detailed operation. I’m so impressed. Your precision is indeed unmatched, and, it would appear to me at this juncture, that there is literally no one within the current hierarchy, or perhaps no one even stupid enough, who could tempt themselves into any framework of opposition to your thesis. I realize for you that this topic marks a multi-year battle with various high-level members of the Church. I thank you tremendously for making time, in spite of all your many other projects, to lay out this topic clearly and offer the faithful a source that can attest to holding true to the Church’s centuries of orthodoxy.
I have read many of your previous theological contributions to Catholicism, and I must say that my impression of this book on Supersessionism is, in my mind, probably one of your most powerful thus far. I’m only a simple Catholic layman, but my desire for truth, perhaps similar to yourself, runs very deep and causes me much frustration when I observe error after error and heresy after heresy being pushed heavily onto the faithful within these modern times. I cannot at this time offer much in the way of financial contribution to your ministry, but just know that my prayers of thankfulness to God Almighty for your gifts and talents are offered on a continual basis.
Pax et Gratia."
- Darin R. Hopegood